
Press Releases & Updates

RELEASE: Students Applaud Reduced Barriers to International MSI Access

HALIFAX - Today, the Nova Scotia government announced it is strengthening supports for international students by removing the 31-day out-of-province restriction on Medical Services Insurance (MSI) eligibility for those studying here. 

The previous policy, unique among the Atlantic provinces, allowed students to opt into MSI after 12 months in the province only if they had not left Nova Scotia for 31 consecutive days during that time. Under the newly announced changes, international students are eligible for coverage after 12 months in the province, even if they have left for more than 30 consecutive days.

“We are delighted to see government taking steps to reduce the barriers facing international students accessing healthcare in Nova Scotia,” says Peter Oyedijo, StudentsNS Committee Chair and CBUSU Executive Vice President. "The 31-day MSI restriction has long been highlighted as a concern by StudentsNS, and its elimination is an incredibly welcome support for those seeking to study here - and hopefully to settle in Nova Scotia post-graduation”.

Over the past near-decade, Students Nova Scotia has consistently highlighted the impacts of the 31-day barrier upon international students studying in the province, leaving many students unable to return home over the summer months to visit family, work to finance their education, or to travel. In some cases, it discouraged students from studying in the province at all, while others reported completing their entire degree without becoming eligible.

Students who are not eligible for provincial healthcare coverage often have no option but to purchase international health plans that can be expensive, inflexible, and may not always cover the necessities of health care that Nova Scotian residents receive for free. This led some students to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket for emergency hospital visits and surgeries.

 “The elimination of this restriction makes it easier for students to opt out of costly international health plans with high premiums and to access more affordable healthcare options,” says Ben Fairhurst, Vice-Chair of StudentsNS. “Today’s announcement will help ensure that no student has to choose between future healthcare savings or being able to travel home when they need to.”

“Though students must still wait 12 months before being able to opt into coverage, our members view today’s announcement as a huge step towards a healthcare model that is affordable and accessible for all students studying here,” says Kyle Cook, StudentsNS Chair. “It further highlights the value of international students as key contributors to our province in culture, economy and population growth.”

StudentsNS ED